Award in Education and Training

Electronic support materials for the Award (AET)

Scroll down the page for the following resources:

  • handout - an introduction to the qualification
  • pre-course assessment (ideal to support the application process)
  • self-assessment grids (ideal for initial assessment and for learners to evidence the assessment criteria)
  • guidance for achieving the units (ideal to help learners meet the assessment criteria, and for assessors to standardise their practice)
  • action plan (ideal to plan learning and assessment targets and dates)
  • observation documents, assignments, feedback and tracking templates (for assessors of the qualification)
  • evaluation template (ideal to gain feedback regarding the course)

You only need purchase a resource once, to use as many times as you wish with as many learners as you wish. Most documents are in Word to enable you to amend them as necessary. Terms and conditions of use are available.

  • More resources for both teachers and learners are available.
  • You can see a visual sample of the first page of each type of resource.
  • Support materials are also available for the Certificate and Diploma.

Please note: if you purchase a bulk pack of resources, you will receive the support materials, but not the assignments.


An introduction to the Award in Education and Training (in Word) (£1.00) (Ref G9015)

3 pages covering: • The Award in Education and Training  â€¢  Assessment for the Award  â€¢ Micro-teaching  â€¢  Mentors  â€¢ Progression

The document is in Word to enable you to adapt it to suit your organisation.

Pre-course assessment - ideal to support the application process

Pre-course assessment form (in Word) (£2.00) (Ref AT018A)

3 page template with 15 initial assessment questions for potential Award applicants. It includes details of the three Award’s units and their equivalents from the Learning and Development units. This document can be used by organisations to gain information prior to learners commencing the programme. The document is in Word to enable amendments to be made; for example, adding further questions.

Self-assessment grids - ideal for initial assessment towards each unit

UNIT ONE: Self-assessment grid (in Word) (50p) (Ref SAU1A)

2 page template listing the three learning outcomes and nine assessment criteria which make up the unit Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training. The document is in Word to enable learners to add their statements to meet the assessment criteria.
See the guidance section below for a completed example.

UNIT TWO: Self-assessment grid (in Word) (50p) (Ref SAU2A)

2 page template listing the five learning outcomes and fourteen assessment criteria for the unit Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training. The document is in Word to enable learners to add their statements to meet the assessment criteria.
See the guidance section below for a completed example.

UNIT THREE: Self-assessment grid (in Word) (50p) (Ref SAU3A)

2 page template listing the four learning outcomes and twelve assessment criteria for the unit Understanding assessment in education and training. The document is in Word to enable learners to add their statements to meet the assessment criteria.

See the guidance section below for a completed example.

Guidance for achieving the units - ideal to help learners evidence the assessment criteria, and for assessors to standardise their practice

Please note, these are a guide only and are not to be used for any formal assignment submission.

UNIT ONE: Completed example of the self-assessment grid (£2.50) (Ref PGU1A)

3 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training.

UNIT TWO: Completed example of the self-assessment grid (£2.50) (Ref PGU2A)

5 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training.

UNIT THREE: Completed example of the self-assessment grid (£2.50) (Ref PGU3A)

4 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Understanding assessment in education and training.

Action plan

Action Plan template for achievement of the Award (in Word) (£1.50) (Ref AT050)

2 page action plan template for teachers/assessors of the Award in Education and Training. The plan is in Word for you to amend according to the assessment methods you will use and the target dates you will set. It lists the units with a few suggested activities as a starting point.

Observation documents, assignments, feedback and tracking templates

Micro-teach Observation Checklist for teachers/assessors (in Word) (£2.50) (Ref AT008A)

3 page template in Word incorporating a checklist for the teacher/assessor to complete. It can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements and includes the relevant assessment criteria. This form could also be used if the observation takes place in the learner’s workplace rather than as a micro-teach session. See below for a completed example: Ref U9052A.

Completed Example of a Micro-teach Observation Checklist for teachers/assessors (£3.50) (Ref U9052A)

A completed example of an observation checklist for a micro-teach session (completed by a tutor/assessor) backed up with completed assessment criteria and comments in support of the session observed. A blank template is available above: Ref AT008A.

Feedback and tracking templates (in Word) (85p) (Ref AT028)

Two templates: a 'feedback and action record' to individually document what has been assessed for each learner, with your assessment decision, feedback and action points; and an overall 'tracking sheet' to document what has been assessed for all learners working towards a qualification.


Assignments are available to purchase, but will only be sold to approved centres.

Evaluation template - ideal to gain feedback regarding the course

Course evaluation template (in Word) (£1.00) (Ref AT015) 

1 page template with 13 questions for learners to answer, with responses of 1-4 for each. Can easily be adapted to suit your own course evaluation requirements.

Certificate (CET) and Diploma (DET)

Support materials are also available for the:

More resources are available.