Teaching & training

Online learning modules only £18

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List of teaching & training modules

Teaching and training CPD BULK BUY

10% off if you purchase all 20 modules in the series below. 

The modules (listed below) briefly cover all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the mandatory units of the Award, Certificate, and Diploma in Education and Training. They are ideal to help you find out about a teaching/training role, update your knowledge, or support you towards taking a relevant teaching/training qualification. 

You will have access to all the downloadable documents listed in the separate modules below. 

T/1 - Roles, responsibilities and wider professional practice 

 â€¢ Teaching roles • Teaching responsibilities • The teaching, learning and assessment cycle • Boundaries of teaching • Wider professional practice • Subject specific teaching • Working with other professionals • Examples of working with others • Summary quiz  • Reading list • Website list

Includes four downloadable resources: Table of roles and responsibilities, Boundaries of teaching, Tips for new teachers and trainers, The quality cycle

T/2 – Legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice 

 â€¢ Legislation • Legislation: examples • Regulatory requirements • Regulatory requirements: examples • Codes of practice   • Codes of practice: examples • Policies and procedures • Policies and procedures: examples  • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes one downloadable resource: Safeguarding, The Prevent Duty and British Values

T/3 – Communicating with learners and others 

 â€¢  What is communication? •  Ways to communicate with learners and others  â€¢ Speaking, listening, reading, writing •  Verbal communication •  Non-verbal communication •  Written communication  •  Barriers to communication • Meeting individual learner needs • Berne’s (1961) Transactional Analysis theory â€¢ Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills
• Emotional intelligence • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes three downloadable resources: A checklist for verbal, non-verbal and written communication, Working with a learning support assistant, Table of verbal and non-verbal examples of communication

T/4 – Teaching, learning and assessment approaches 

 â€¢ Teaching and learning approaches • Facilitating learning • Assessment • Assessment approaches • Making decisions • Providing constructive feedback to learners • Coaching & mentoring • Summary quiz • Website list • Reading list

Includes six downloadable resources: Table of teaching and learning approaches, Starter and closing activities, Facilitating group learning, Facilitating individual learning, Extension activities, Table of assessment approaches

T/5 – Theories of learning 

 â€¢ How does learning occur? • Learning preferences • Fleming’s VARK • Honey & Mumford's learning styles • Pedagogy and andragogy: Knowles • Retention of learning: Pike • Domains of learning: Bloom • Conditions of learning: Gagne • Sensory theory: Laird • Experiential theory: Kolb • Humanistic: Rogers • Behaviourism: Skinner • Cognitivism: Piaget • Constructivism: Vygotsky • Pragmatism: Dewey • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes one downloadable resource: Table of objectives: over 150 different objectives at different levels

T/6 – Schemes of work 

 â€¢ The curriculum • What is a scheme of work? • What influences the content? • Aims and objectives • Devising a rationale for a scheme of work • Creating a scheme of work • Using a scheme of work • Group profile •  Summary quiz •  Reading list  â€¢  Website list

Includes seven downloadable resources: Scheme of work template, A completed example of the scheme of work template, Rationale template, A completed example of the rationale template, A group profile template, A complete example of a group profile template, Table of objectives at different levels

T/7 – Session plans 

 â€¢ Designing a session plan • Types of plans • Aspects to consider when planning a session • Aims and objectives • Teaching and learning activities • Assessment activities • Resources • Timings • Adapting plans • Learner feedback • Reading list • Website list

Includes six downloadable resources: Template session plan, Completed example of the session plan template, Example of a five-minute session pan, Example of a three-stage session plan, Table of objectives at different levels, A workshop plan template

T/8 – Induction, icebreakers and ground rules 

 â€¢ The induction process • Creating an induction checklist • Using icebreakers • Types of icebreaker • Energisers  • Establishing ground rules • Maintaining ground rules • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes three downloadable resources: An induction checklist, Icebreaker example one, Icebreaker example two

T/9 – Initial and diagnostic assessment, individual learning plans (ILPs) 

 â€¢ Planning to meet the needs of learners • Initial and diagnostic assessment • Examples of initial and diagnostic assessment activities • Individual learning plans (ILPs) • Agreeing individual learning plans   • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes two downloadable resources: Initial and diagnostic template, Individual learning plan template

T/10 – Learner needs and points of referral 

 â€¢ Identifying learner needs • Information, advice and guidance (IAG) • How to identify learner needs • Examples of learner needs • Meeting learner needs • Points of referral • Maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment  • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes one downloadable resource: List of potential needs, barriers and challenges which learners may face, with example points of referral

T/11 - Promoting an inclusive teaching and learning environment 

 â€¢ Different teaching and learning environments • Room layouts •   Physical, social and learning aspects • Health, safety and learner welfare •   Motivation •   Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs •   Summary quiz • Reading list •  Website list

Includes two downloadable resources: A table giving examples of how to meet the physical, social and learning environment aspects, SfA Learner Health, safety and welfare

T/12 – Promoting appropriate behaviour and respect 

 â€¢ What is appropriate behaviour of the teacher? • What is appropriate behaviour of learners? • Ways to improve appropriate behaviour • Respect • Ways to improve respect • Summary quiz • Reading list  â€¢ Website list

Includes one downloadable resource: Attitudes affecting behaviour, Betari’s cycle of conflict

T/13 – Using resources 

 â€¢ What are resources? • Examples of resources • Electronic and online resources • People as a resource • Meeting the individual needs of learners when using resources • Using resources • Adapting resources • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes four downloadable resources: Table listing 100 resources, Hints and tips for using handouts and presentations, The teacher’s toolkit, Assistive resources

T/14 – Using technology 

 â€¢ The role of technology in teaching and learning • Examples of using technology • Flipped learning • Meeting individual needs • BYOD – bring your own device • Synchronous and asynchronous learning • Social networking and social media Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes three downloadable resources: How to stay safe online, List of technologies, Advantages and disadvantages of using technology

T/15 - Embedding English, maths, ICT, wider skills, and British values 

 â€¢ Why provide opportunities for learners to practice these skills? • Terminology • How to provide opportunities for learners to practice their skills in: English, Maths, ICT and Wider Skills • British values • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes one downloadable resource: Employability and employment skills

T/16 – Equality and diversity 

 â€¢ What is equality? • The Equality Act (2010) • Protected Characteristics • Types of discrimination • What is diversity? • Valuing equality and advancing diversity • Ways to promote equality and value diversity • Summary quiz • Reading list  â€¢ Website list

Includes six downloadable resources: Identifying inequality, Glossary of terms, Ways to promote inclusion, Learner differences, Ways to promote and advance equality, Equality and diversity checklist  

T/17 – Delivering a micro-teach session 

 â€¢ What is a micro-teach session? • Questions to ask in advance • Planning • Preparing • Delivering (the beginning, middle and ending sections, with tips) • What makes a good session? • Evaluating • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes five downloadable resources: A checklist to help you plan and deliver a micro-teach session, A session plan template, A completed example of the session plan template, A self-evaluation template, A completed example of the self-evaluation template

T/18 – Observations and teaching practice 

 â€¢ Observed practice • Mentor and peer support • Teaching practice • Preparing for the observation • Tips • During the observation • Tips •  After the observation • Tips • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes two downloadable resources: A teaching practice log template, A completed example of the teaching practice log template with examples of evidence

T/19 - The minimum core 

• What is the minimum core? â€¢ Minimum core aims â€¢ Minimum core guidance â€¢ Minimum core table – English â€¢ Demonstrating the minimum core â€¢ English, maths and digital skills â€¢ Sustainability â€¢ Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) â€¢ Summary quiz â€¢ Reading list â€¢ Website list

T/20 – Reviewing own practice, self-evaluation, and continuing professional development (CPD) 

• Professional Practice • What is self-evaluation? • Obtaining feedback •  What is reflective practice? • What is evaluation? â€¢ Kolb’s experiential learning cycle • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) • Maintaining CPD • Professional associations  •  Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes six downloadable resources: Reflective learning journal template, Completed example of a reflective learning journal template, Personal development plan, Completed example of a personal development plan, CPD record, completed example of a CPD record

All courses are subject to KMFs terms and conditions, and Ann Gravells' resource terms and conditions.