Diploma in Education and Training (DET)

***** News update *****

The DET closed for registrations on 31.08.24. 

It has been replaced with the Diploma in Teaching (FE and Skills) and a text book is available from Ann Gravells and Gavin Lumsden.

Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (DET)

The Diploma is for current teachers (in-service). The content is similar to the Certificate in Education/PGCE and usually takes two years to complete (part-time). The PGCE version can be achieved at a higher level and is for anyone who has a degree. You do not need to have achieved the AET/CET beforehand. You must be able to teach for at least 100 hours, you will be observed for at least eight hours during the course, and you will complete some assignments. 

The Diploma is 120 credits, 75 credits are from mandatory units and 45 credits are from optional units.

There are four mandatory units:

  • Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training (20 credits level 4)

  • Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training (20 credits level 5)

  • Theories, principles and models in education and training (20 credits level 5)

  • Wider professional practice and development in education and training (15 credits level 5)
Optional units are available which you can choose to suit your job role.

The four mandatory units of the Certificate at level 4 can be accepted in place of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment unit in the Diploma. Twenty hours of teaching practice and two observations can also be accepted.

You will need to demonstrate the minimum core skills whilst working towards the Diploma.

Level 5 Specialist Diploma in Education and Training

This qualification is for anyone who teaches English literacy, ESOL, Numeracy, or who teach learners with disabilities.

It is 120 credits, 75 are mandatory credits (at level 4 and 5), and 45 are optional credits at level 5.

You must be able to teach for at least 100 hours (50 in the specialist area), and you will be observed for at least 8 hours (4 in the specialised area) during the course.

Certificate in Education (Cert Ed Level 5), Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (Level 6) and Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE Level 7)

These qualifications (if taken at level 5 or above) are an alternative to the Diploma in Education and Training (DET). The content is very similar but they might be assessed in a different way. The PGCE can be taken by anyone who holds a degree. They are usually taken via a university, whereas the DET is often taken at a college or a training organisation.

Support for the DET qualification:

If you are working towards the Diploma qualification, the following guidance may help you to complete each of the mandatory units. As soon as you checkout, you will receive a download link.

Diploma unit one - Guidance for completing the unit (£4.50) (Ref PGU1D)

20 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training.

Diploma unit two - Guidance for completing the unit (£4.50) (Ref PGU2D)

17 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the unit Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training.

Diploma unit three - Guidance for completing the unit (£4.50) (Ref PGU3D)

5 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the unit Theories, principles and models in education and training.

Diploma unit four - Guidance for completing the unit (£4.50) (Ref PGU4D)

7 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the unit Wider professional practice in education and training.

More resources are available.

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