Diploma Units 1 & 2 (DET)

Just click on 'add to cart' next to your chosen items, then scroll to the top or bottom of the page to checkout.

You can view a sample of the first page of each type of resource.

All resources are electronic.

These two units are similar in content and are therefore included together here. Unit 1 is at level 4, unit 2 is at level 5.

These units are for the DET, not for the DiT. If you purchase in error, you cannot be refunded.

Diploma in Education and Training (DET) units 1 and 2

Unit 1 - Teaching, learning and assessment in Education and Training 

Unit 2 - Developing Teaching, learning and assessment in Education and Training 

  • Self-assessment grids
  • Guidance for achieving the units
  • Information leaflets
  • Handouts
  • Checklists
  • General items
  • Templates
  • Teaching practice templates and completed examples
  • Observation document
  • Assignments
  • PowerPoints

Please click on these links for the other units:

Unit 3 - Theories, principles and models in Education and Training

Unit 4 - Wider professional practice in Education and Training

Please scroll down for details of all items and prices.

Many of these resources are also part of the Certificate (CET). If you made a full bulk purchase of CET, and would now like DET units 1 & 2, contact me for a £100 discount off the full price. You will pay £115.60 instead of £215.60 (the offer cannot be applied in retrospect if you have already made a purchase).

10% off if you bulk buy everything on this page with one click.

£194.04 instead of £215.60 for 96 items. Accessible via a zipped file.

Assignment materials are sold separately.

One-click purchase for all the units for the Diploma (DET at 10% off).

Self-assessment grids 

Self-assessment grid unit one (in Word) (50p)
(Ref SAGU1D)
4 page template listing the eight learning outcomes and 33 assessment criteria which make up the unit Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training. The document is in Word to enable learners to add their statements to meet the assessment criteria.
A completed example is available below: Ref PGU1D

Self-assessment grid unit two (in Word) (50p)
(Ref SAGU2D)
4 page template listing the seven learning outcomes and 24 assessment criteria which make up the unit Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training. The document is in Word to enable learners to add their statements to meet the assessment criteria.
A completed example is available below: Ref PGU2D

Guidance for achieving the units

Completed example of the self-assessment grid unit one (£4.50) (Ref PGU1D)

20 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training.

Each aspect is cross referenced to relevant criteria in the other mandatory units to enable holistic assessment.

A blank version in Word is available above: Ref SAU1D

Completed example of the self-assessment grid unit two (£4.50) (Ref PGU2D)

17 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training.

Each aspect is cross referenced to relevant criteria in the other mandatory units to enable holistic assessment.

A blank version in Word is available above: Ref SAU2D

Information leaflets  

The information leaflets briefly cover all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this unit. However, learners are advised to research the topics further if working towards the qualification. PowerPoints are available for teachers which contain similar information to the information leaflets, but also include detailed presenter notes and activities for learners. Please scroll to the end of the page.

Information leaflet - An introduction to the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (£1.50)
(Ref D901D)
5 pages covering • The Diploma in Education and Training • The teaching, learning and assessment cycle  â€¢  Assessment for the Diploma •  Teaching Practice â€¢ Mentors •  The Minimum Core  • Progression •  Specialist Diploma • Reading list • Website list 

Information leaflet - Roles, responsibilities and legislation (£1.50)
(Ref D902D)
5 pages covering • Teaching roles and responsibilities  â€¢  Boundaries of teaching  â€¢  Legislation  â€¢  Regulatory requirements  â€¢ Codes of practice  â€¢  Policies and procedures  â€¢ Reading list  •  Website list

Information leaflet - Initial and diagnostic assessment, learner needs and points of referral (£1.50)

(Ref D903D) 

8 pages covering  â€¢  Planning to meet the needs of learners  â€¢ Initial and diagnostic assessment  â€¢ Examples of initial and diagnostic assessment activities  â€¢ Learning preferences • Agreeing individual learning plans  â€¢ Identifying learner needs • Examples of learner needs • Meeting learner needs • Points of referral •  Reading list • Website list

Information leaflet - Designing schemes of work, group profiles and session plans (£1.50)
(Ref D904D)

11 pages covering â€¢ What is a scheme of work? • Aims and objectives • Devising a rationale for, creating and using a scheme of work • Creating a group profile • Designing a session plan • Aspects to consider when planning a session • Teaching, learning and assessment activities • Resources • Timings • Adapting plans • Learner feedback •  Reading list • Website list

Information leaflet - Teaching and learning approaches, communication (£1.50)
(Ref D905D)

9 pages covering â€¢ Teaching and learning approaches â€¢ Strengths and limitations of approaches, and meeting individual needs â€¢ Facilitating learning â€¢ Communication â€¢ Verbal communication â€¢ Non-verbal communication â€¢ Speaking, listening, reading, writing â€¢.Barriers to communication â€¢ Berne’s Transactional Analysis theory  • Reading list â€¢ Website list

Information leaflet - Using resources and technology (£1.50)
(Ref D906D)
10 pages covering â€¢ What are resources? â€¢ Examples of resources â€¢ People as a resource â€¢ Meeting the individual needs of learners when using resources â€¢ Using resources  •  Adapting resources â€¢ The role of technology in teaching and learning â€¢ Examples of using technology â€¢ Flipped learning â€¢ Meeting individual needs â€¢ BYOD – bring your own device â€¢ Synchronous and asynchronous learning â€¢ Social networking and social media â€¢ Reading list â€¢ Website list

Information leaflet - The teaching and learning environment, behaviour and respect, equality and diversity (£1.50) 
(Ref D907D)
11 pages covering â€¢ Teaching and learning environments â€¢ Room layouts â€¢ Physical, social and learning aspects â€¢ Health, safety and learner welfare â€¢ Learner behaviour â€¢ Ways to improve appropriate behaviour â€¢ Respect â€¢ Ways to improve respect â€¢ Motivation â€¢ Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs â€¢ Equality â€¢ Diversity â€¢ Promoting equality and valuing diversity • Reading list • Website list

Information leaflet - Assessing learning (£1.50)
(Ref D908D)
10 pages covering • What is assessment? • The assessment cycle • Principles of assessment • Types of assessment • Assessment methods (informal/formal) • Internal and external assessment requirements • Individual needs • Making a decision • Providing feedback • Questioning • Record keeping • Communicating with others • Reading list • Website list

Information leaflet - Reviewing own practice and evaluation (£1.50)

(Ref D909D)
6 pages coveringʉۢ Why review your practice?ʉۢ Using questionnaires and surveysʉۢ Gaining feedback from othersʉۢ Self-evaluationʉۢ What is reflective practice?ʉۢ A straightforward method of reflection (EDAR)ʉۢ Areas for improvementʉۢ Personal developmentʉۢ Reading listʉۢ Website list

Information leaflet - The minimum core (£1.50) (Ref D922D)
6 pages covering  · What is the minimum core? · Minimum core aims · Minimum Core Guidance · Minimum core table - English · Demonstrating the minimum core Â· English, maths and digital skills · Sustainability Â· Equality, diversity and inclusion Â· Reading list · Website list

Information leaflet - Observations and teaching practice (£1.50)
(Ref D911D)
5 pages covering â€¢ Observed practice â€¢ Mentor and peer support  â€¢ Teaching practice  â€¢ Preparing for the observation â€¢ During the observation â€¢ After the observation â€¢ Reading list â€¢ Website list


Handout - Table of Examples of Roles and Responsibilities (£1.00)
(Ref H9010)
2 pages containing approximately 85 examples of a teacher's roles and responsibilities which relate to aspects of the teaching, learning and assessment cycle.

Handout - The teaching, learning and assessment cycle (£1.00)

(Ref H9015)
2 pages of information explaining the five aspects of the cycle, with a diagram showing the stages of: identifying needs, planning, facilitating, assessing and evaluating learning.

Handout – Table of teaching and learning approaches & activities with their strengths and limitations (£2.50)
(Ref A9058)

17 page table listing over 80 different teaching and learning approaches & activities with their strengths and limitations.

Handout - Table of Example Boundaries of Teaching (50p)
(Ref H9011A)
2 pages containing information regarding professional and other boundaries, and a table of approximately 50 examples of boundaries which relate to the teaching, learning and assessment cycle.

Handout - Tips for teachers and trainers (£1.00)

(Ref H9051)

Approximately 30 tips to help new and existing teachers and trainers perform their role effectively with learners.

Handout - The environment - examples of physical, social and learning aspects (£1.00)
(Ref H9006)
1 page of information with a table listing examples for each of the physical, social and learning aspects of the environment.

Handout - Table of objectives (£1.00)
(Ref U9053)
2 pages of information regarding objectives which can be used as a basis to plan teaching, learning and assessment activities, plus a table containing examples of over 200 objectives at nine different levels of learning and assessment.

Handout - Table of Potential Learner Needs and Points of Referral (50p)
(Ref H9020A)
2 pages containing two tables, one of approximately 40 examples of potential needs, barriers and challenges, and the other of approximately 10 examples of needs with associated points of referral.

Handout - Identifying Inequality (50p)
(Ref H9001)
1 page of information regarding inequality, with a table of 10 primary and 18 secondary characteristics.

Handout - Learner Differences (50p)
(Ref H9002)
1 page of information regarding learner differences, with a table of 36 examples.

Handout - Attitudes affecting behaviour (50p) 

(Ref H9052)

3 pages of information regarding attitudes which affect behaviour, and Betari's cycle of conflict.

Handout - Ways to Promote and Advance Equality (50p)
(Ref H9003)
3 pages of information regarding various ways to promote and advance equality. Related to the teaching, learning and assessment cycle. Includes approximately 70 examples.

Handout - Ways to promote inclusion (50p)
(Ref H9007)
2 pages of information regarding various ways to promote inclusion. Related to the teaching, learning and assessment cycle. Includes approximately 50 examples.

Handout - Safeguarding, Prevent Duty and British Values (£1.00) 
(Ref H9008)
4 page handout explaining what Safeguarding, The Prevent Duty and British Values are, along with examples of how to promote British Values when teaching. Includes a list of useful references and websites.

Handout - Equality and Diversity – Glossary of Terms (£2.00)
(Ref I9011)
5 page glossary of approximately 100 terms relating to equality and diversity.

Handout - Table of resources which could be used for teaching, learning and assessment (£1.00)
(Ref H9012)
1 page table listing over 100 resources which can be used for teaching, learning and assessment purposes.

Handout - Resource box (50p)
(Ref H9023)
1 page of information explaining what a resource box is and how it can be used, along with a list of 27 examples of resources which could be kept in the box for use with learners.

Handout - Assistive resources (50p)
(Ref H9024)
1 page of information explaining how assistive resources can be used with learners, along with 20 examples.

Handout - List of technologies which could be used for teaching and learning (50p)
(Ref H9019)
1 page listing over 36 different technologies and media which can be used for teaching and learning purposes.

Handout - Advantages and disadvantages of using technology (50p)
(Ref H9021)
2 page table listing over 40 different advantages and disadvantages of using technology with learners.

Handout - Online safety (50p)
(Ref H9022)
1 page of information regarding online safety for teachers and learners. Includes approximately 20 bullet points of what can be done to stay safe.

Handout - Hints and tips for creating and using handouts and visual presentations (£1.50)
(Ref H9018)
3 pages of information listing approximately 30 hints and tips for creating and using handouts and visual presentations for use with learners.

Handout – Table of Assessment Types (£1.50)
(Ref A9050)
3 pages of information listing over 50 different assessment types with details of each.

Handout - Table of assessment methods, approaches and activities (£1.50)
(Ref A9051A)
2 pages of information detailing approximately 45 different assessment methods, approaches and activities which could be used with learners, along with a description of each.

Handout – Table of Peer and Self-assessment: Advantages and Limitations (50p)
(Ref A9055)
1 page of information covering approximately 25 advantages and limitations of peer and self-assessment.

Handout – Using questions (£1.00)
(Ref H9028)
3 pages of information about questions and how to use them with learners, different types of questions with examples (eg open, closed) and 15 tips to use when questioning.

Handout – Minimising risks (£1.50)
(Ref H9029)
4 pages of information regarding the different types of risks which could occur during the assessment process. Includes learner risks, assessor risks, other risks, and approximately 40 examples of situations which could pose a risk to assessment.

Handout – Key words to use when providing feedback (50p)
(Ref H9030)
1 page of information explaining why key words should be used when giving feedback. Includes approximately 65 examples of words which can be used to confirm success or otherwise to learners.

Handout – Examples of verbal and non-verbal communication (50p)
(Ref H9025)
1 page of information regarding verbal and non-verbal communication, along with a table of 25 examples of each.

Handout – Starter and closing activities (£1.00)
(Ref H9031)
2 pages of information explaining what starter and closing activities are, along with examples of each.

Handout – Extension activities (£1.00)
(Ref H9036)
1 page of information explaining what extension activities are, along with examples which could be used with learners to stretch and challenge their learning.

Handout – Working with learning support assistants (LSAs) (£1.00)
(Ref H9027)
2 pages of information regarding how a teacher can work with an LSA, the types of activities they could carry out, and how a good working relationship can be fostered and maintained.

Handout – Facilitating group learning (£1.50)
(Ref H9034)
3 pages of information about how you can facilitate learning with groups. Includes examples of limitations, how you can manage small group activities and successfully conclude group activities.

Handout – Facilitating individual learning (£1.00)
(Ref H9035)
2 pages of information about how you can build up a professional working relationship with a learner and facilitate learning. Includes a task analysis template to help break down a topic for one-to-one learning purposes.

Handout – Checklist for demonstrating a task on a one-to-one basis (£1.00)
(Ref HC005)
A list of approximately 20 aspects to help you demonstrate a task to an individual learner.


Teaching, Learning and Assessment checklist (£1.50)
(Ref HC012)
A comprehensive 4 page checklist containing over 100 questions based on the five aspects of the teaching, learning and assessment cycle. It should help all teachers ensure they are performing their role effectively.

Minimum core checklist (£2.00) (Ref ATMC01) For learners registered before 01.09.22

A comprehensive 3 page checklist containing all the personal skills in which a teacher (registered prior to 01.09.22) must demonstrate their skills.

Minimum core checklist (£2.00) (Ref MCC) For learners registered after 01.09.22

A comprehensive 28 page checklist covering the content of the five elements and seven categories in which a teacher (registered after 01.09.22) must demonstrate their skills.

It was produced by Joey Greenwood of Smart Training Solutions Ltd.

Verbal, listening, non-verbal and written communication skills checklist (£1.00)
(Ref HC003)
3 page checklist containing approximately 70 aspects to help improve verbal, listening, non-verbal and written communication skills.  

Advancing Equality and Diversity checklist (£1.50)
(Ref HC004) 

A comprehensive 4 page checklist containing over 70 questions based on the teaching and learning cycle. It should help all teachers ensure they are working towards the requirement of advancing equality and diversity within the teaching and learning process.

General items 

Pre-course assessment form (in Word) (£2.00)
(Ref AT018D)
For teachers to use with learners
3 page template with initial assessment questions for potential Diploma applicants. This document can be used by organisations to gain information prior to learners commencing the programme. The document is in Word to enable amendments to be made, for example, adding further questions.

Action Plan template for achievement of the Diploma (in Word) (£1.50)
(Ref AT050D)
For teachers to use with learners
2 page action plan template for teachers/assessors of the Diploma in Education and Training. The plan is in Word for you to amend according to the assessment methods you will use and the target dates you will set. It lists the units with a few suggested activities as a starting point.

Course evaluation form (in Word) (£1.00)
(Ref AT015) 
For teachers to use with learners
1 page template with 13 questions for learners to answer, with responses of 1-4 for each. Can easily be adapted to suit your own course evaluation requirements.

A beginner’s guide to referencing (£2.50) 

(Ref M9063A)
For learners
5 pages of easy to follow guidance with examples of how a reference should appear within text and in a reference list, as well as suitable texts and websites for further information. Includes details regarding: · Why reference? · Referencing a book · Referencing a website Â· Referencing an online report · What is a reference list? Â· What is a bibliography?  Â· Reading list Â· Website list

Verbs used in the Diploma’s mandatory units' assessment criteria with their meanings (£1.00)
(Ref H9014D)
For teachers and learners
1 page table listing the 19 different verbs used in the assessment criteria for the mandatory units of the Diploma in Education and Training, with their meanings, for example: analyse, explain; review, use etc. 

Glossary of educational terms (£1.50)
(Ref H9004)
For teachers and learners
5 pages listing over 100 educational and training terms with their definitions, in an A-Z format.

Educational abbreviations and acronyms (£1.50)
(Ref H9005)
For teachers and learners
3 pages listing over 150 educational abbreviations and acronyms, with their full titles, in an A-Z format.


Initial and diagnostic assessment (in Word) (£1.00)
(Ref AT022)
1 page template containing questions relating to initial and diagnostic assessment, for example, relevant experience and qualifications, learning needs, English, maths and ICT. The form is ideal as a basis to gain information regarding a learner, prior to them commencing a course. Questions can easily be amended to suit your organisation's requirements.

Individual learning plan (ILP) (in Word) (£1.00)
(Ref AT023)
1 page template which can be completed with a learner's initial and diagnostic assessment results, and learning support requirements. There is space to set targets and goals, along with achievement dates, reviews and updates to the plan. The form can easily be amended to suit your organisation's requirements.

Workshop plan (in Word) (£1.00)
(Ref AT025)
1 page of information and a workshop plan template. Can be used by teachers & trainers who have learners in the same group who are working towards different objectives or tasks throughout a session.

Teaching practice templates and completed examples 

Teaching Practice Log (in Word) (50p)
(Ref AT021)
1 page blank template in Word of a teaching practice log. Enables learners to document their 100 teaching practice hours, along with their supporting information and cross references to their evidence.

Completed Example - Teaching Practice Log (£1.00)
(Ref H9016)
2 pages of information relating to teaching practice, including a sample completed teaching practice log, and a list of possible evidence to support the teaching practice. See above for a blank template of a teaching practice log in Word: Ref AT021

Template – Rationale for a Scheme of Work (in Word) (£1.00)
(Ref AT013)
2 page template with approximately 20 questions to help write a rationale for a scheme of work. See below for a completed example: Ref M9061

Completed Example of a Rationale for a Scheme of Work (£1.50)
(Ref M9061)
3 page rationale consisting of completed questions from the template (Ref AT013 – available to purchase separately on this page), based on an Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT) Level 1 programme. See above for a blank template in Word: Ref AT013

Template – Scheme of Work (in Word) (50p)
(Ref AT014)
1 page pro-forma with relevant headings and boxes to help structure the content of a scheme of work. Can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements. See below for a completed example: Ref M9060

Completed Example of a Scheme of Work (£2.00)
(Ref M9060)
2 page example based on an Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT) Level 1 programme. First, second and last sessions are shown. See above for a blank template in Word: Ref AT014

Template - Session Plan (in Word) (50p)
(Ref AT007)
1 page pro-forma with relevant headings and boxes to help structure the content of a session plan. Can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements. See below for a completed example: Ref M9062

Completed Example of a Session Plan (£1.50)
(Ref M9062)
2 page example of a completed three hour session plan (for the first session from the scheme of work about using ICT, which is available to purchase separately Ref M9060 - see two items above this). Includes examples of SMART objectives, appropriate timings, resources, teaching, learning and assessment activities. See above for a blank session plan in Word: Ref AT007

Completed Example of a 'five minute' Session Plan (£1.00)

(Ref M9064)
1 page example of a completed three hour session plan in a 'five minute' format (for the first session from the scheme of work about using ICT Ref M9060). It's called a 'five minute' session plan as it should only take five minutes to complete. It's an alternative version of M9062 above.

Completed Example of a 'three stage' Session Plan (£1.00)

(Ref M9065)
1 page example of a completed three hour session plan in a 'three stage' format (for the first session from the scheme of work about using ICT Ref M9060). It's called a 'three stage' session plan as it breaks the content down into three stages: the introduction; the development and the conclusion stages. It's an alternative version of M9062 above.

Template - Group Profile (in Word) (£1.00)
(Ref AT024)
1 page template which can be used to add details regarding individual learners. It includes columns for: name, age, gender/ethnicity, prior skills/knowledge, initial and diagnostic assessment results, learning/learner needs/support requirements, barriers/challenges, attendance & behaviour concerns, and additional targets.
The document is in Word to enable text to be keyed directly into it and/or to amend column headings. See below for a completed example: Ref C9054

Completed Example of a Group Profile (£1.50)
(Ref C9054)
1 page completed example of a group profile which includes details regarding learners' age, gender, ethnicity, initial and diagnostic assessment results, prior skills/knowledge, learning needs/support requirements, barriers/challenges, attendance concerns, and additional targets.
See above for a blank template in Word: Ref AT024

Template – Reflective Learning Journal (in Word) (50p)
(Ref AT005)
1 page template which can be used as a reflective learning journal. Helps focus thought by explaining, describing, analysing and revising actions. See below for a completed example: Ref I9015A

Completed Example of a Reflective Learning Journal (£1.50)
(Ref I9015A)
2 page completed example of a reflective learning journal. 

This is from the perspective of a teacher delivering their first session to a new group of learners. The detailed reflection takes into account theories such as Schon and Brookfield. See above for a blank template in Word: Ref AT005

Self-evaluation Form (in Word) (£1.00)
(Ref AT009)
1 page template in Word with approximately 15 questions to aid the self evaluation process after delivering a session. Can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements. See below for a completed example: Ref M9057  

Completed Example of a Self-evaluation Form (£2.00)
(Ref M9057)
3 page completed example of a self evaluation form for a short session based on ‘non-verbal communication skills’. A blank version in Word is available above: Ref AT009

Template – Personal Development Plan (in Word) (50p)
(Ref AT003)
1 page template which can be used to plan CPD activities. A completed example is available to purchase below: Ref A9060.

Completed example of a Personal Development Plan (80p)
(Ref A9060)
1 page completed example of a personal development plan from the perspective of an assessor. A blank form in Word is available to purchase above: Ref AT003

Template – Continuing Professional Development Record (in Word) (50p)

(Ref AT004)

1 page template which can be used to document completed CPD activities. A completed example is available to purchase below: Ref A9061

Completed example of a Continuing Professional Development Record (80p)
(Ref A9061)
1 page completed example of a CPD record from the perspective of an assessor. A blank form in Word is available to purchase above: Ref AT004

Observation document 

Observation checklist/report for the Diploma in Education and Training (in Word) (£4.00)
(Ref HC013D)
8 page pro-forma in Word with detailed information regarding aspects to observe, along with comment boxes. Aspects include: planning and preparation, introduction to the session, teaching and learning, resources, assessment and concluding the session. Guidance notes are included regarding what to look for in each aspect. An overall feedback page is included, as well as the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the two mandatory units which must be observed as part of the qualification. A form should be used for each observation so that throughout all the observations, all the assessment criteria can be met. Can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements.


Assignments are available for this unit and the most popular optional units.

You must be a centre delivering the qualifications and be able to provide your centre name, number and awarding organisation name. All purchasers will be checked.

Assignments will not be sold to learners.


The PowerPoints cover all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this unit. They include detailed presenter notes and ideas for activities for learners to carry out. They are designed for a 4-6 hour delivery but can easily be adapted. Information leaflets are available for learners which contain most of the information from the PowerPoints, these can be used as handouts to support the presentation. Please scroll to the top of the page to access them. 

The content of the PowerPoints, along with the presenter notes, could easily be adapted to become online learning materials.

PowerPoint - An introduction to the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (£10.00)

(Ref D001D)

18 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:

• The Diploma in Education and Training • The teaching, learning and assessment cycle •  Assessment for the Diploma •  Teaching Practice â€¢ Mentors •  The Minimum Core â€¢ Progression • Summary Quiz • Reading list • Website list

PowerPoint - Roles, responsibilities and legislation (£10.00) 

(Ref D002D)

22 slides with detailed presenter notes covering: 

• Teaching roles and responsibilities  â€¢ Boundaries of teaching  â€¢ Legislation  â€¢ Regulatory requirements  â€¢ Codes of practice  â€¢ Policies and procedures  • Summary quiz  • Reading list • Website list

PowerPoint - Initial and diagnostic assessment, learner needs and points of referral (£10.00)

(Ref D003D)

33 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:

• Planning to meet the needs of learners  â€¢  Initial and diagnostic assessment  â€¢  Examples of initial and diagnostic assessment activities  â€¢ Learning preferences â€¢     Agreeing individual learning plans  â€¢ Identifying learner needs â€¢ Examples of learner needs â€¢ Meeting learner needs â€¢ Points of referral â€¢  Summary quiz • Reading list  • Website list

PowerPoint - Designing schemes of work, group profiles and session plans (£10.00)

(Ref D004D)

33 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:

• What is a scheme of work? â€¢ Aims and objectives â€¢ Devising a rationale for, creating and using a scheme of work â€¢ Creating a group profile â€¢ Designing a session plan â€¢ Aspects to consider when planning a session â€¢ Teaching, learning and assessment activities â€¢ Resources â€¢ Timings â€¢ Adapting plans â€¢ Learner feedback â€¢ Summary Quiz â€¢ Reading list â€¢ Website list

PowerPoint - Teaching and learning approaches, communication (£10.00)

(Ref D005D)

31 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:

•Teaching and learning approaches â€¢ Strengths and limitations of approaches, and meeting individual needs â€¢ Facilitating learning â€¢ Communication â€¢ Verbal communication â€¢ Non-verbal communication â€¢ Speaking, listening, reading, writing â€¢ Barriers to communication â€¢ Berne’s Transactional Analysis theory â€¢ Summary quiz â€¢ Website list â€¢ Reading list

PowerPoint - Using resources and technology (£10.00)

(Ref D006D)

40 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:

• What are resources? • Examples of resources • People as a resource • Meeting the individual needs of learners when using resources • Using resources • Adapting resources • The role of technology in teaching and learning • Examples of using technology â€¢ Flipped learning • Meeting individual needs • BYOD – bring your own device • Synchronous and asynchronous learning • Social networking and social media • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

PowerPoint - The teaching and learning environment, behaviour and respect, equality and diversity (£10.00)

(Ref D007D)

39 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:

• Teaching and learning environments • Room layouts • Physical, social and learning aspects • Health, safety and learner welfare • Learner behaviour • Ways to improve appropriate behaviour • Respect • Ways to improve respect • Motivation • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs • Equality • Diversity • Promoting equality and valuing diversity • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

PowerPoint - Assessing learning (£10.00)

(Ref D008D)

34 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:

• What is assessment? â€¢ The assessment cycle â€¢ Principles of assessment â€¢ Types of assessment â€¢ Assessment methods (informal/formal) â€¢ Internal and external assessment requirements â€¢ Individual needs â€¢ Making a decision â€¢ Providing feedback â€¢ Questioning â€¢ Record keeping â€¢ Communicating with others â€¢ Summary quiz â€¢ Reading list â€¢ Website list

PowerPoint - Reviewing own practice and evaluation (£10.00)

(Ref D009D)

27 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:

• Why review your practice? • Using questionnaires and surveys • Gaining feedback from others • Self-evaluation • What is reflective practice? • A straightforward method of reflection (EDAR) • Areas for improvement • Personal development •  Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

PowerPoint - The minimum core (£10.00) (Ref D022D)

21 slides with detailed presenter notes covering: 

· What is the minimum core? · Minimum core aims · Minimum Core Guidance · Minimum core table - English · Demonstrating the minimum core Â· English, maths and digital skills · Sustainability Â· Equality, diversity and inclusion Â· Summary quiz Â· Reading list · Website list

PowerPoint - Observations and teaching practice (£10.00)

(Ref D011D)

19 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:

• Observed practice • Mentor and peer support  â€¢ Teaching practice  â€¢ Preparing for the observation • During the observation • After the observation • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Please click on these links for: Unit 3, Unit 4.

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