External quality assurance (EQA)

Online CPD modules only £18

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List of external Quality Assurance (EQA) modules

External Quality Assurance CPD BULK BUY

10% off if you purchase all five modules in the series below. 

The modules (listed below) briefly cover all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the two Level 4 External quality assurance units. They are ideal to help you find out about the EQA role, update your EQA knowledge or support you towards taking the EQA qualification.

You will have access to all the downloadable documents listed in the separate modules below.

EQA/1 - Key Concepts and Principles of External Quality Assurance 

• Why should EQA take place? • The functions of EQA • Working for an awarding organisation • EQA cycle • Key concepts of EQA •  EQA rationale • Key principles of EQA • Role & responsibilities of an EQA • Regulations, Policies and Procedures •  Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes four downloadable resources: EQA cycle; EQA roles and responsibilities; Equality and diversity; Equality and diversity glossary of terms

EQA/2 - Planning EQA activities 

• Aspects to consider when planning • EQA strategy • Sample plans • Managing risk • Planning EQA activities • Resources • Technology • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes four downloadable resources: A set of EQA templates; Completed examples of the templates; An EQA monitoring checklist; EQA checklist - factors to consider when sampling

EQA/3 - EQA records 

•   Record keeping •  Examples of EQA records •  Reasons for keeping EQA records • Data Protection • Confidentiality   •  Summary quiz •  Reading list • Website list   

Includes two downloadable resources:  A set of EQA templates; Completed examples of the templates

EQA/4 - Carrying out EQA activities, making decisions and giving feedback 

• EQA activities • Issues affecting visits • Making a decision: observing practice • sampling assessed work • remote sampling • Risks • Malpractice • Agreeing action and improvement points • Feedback • Different feedback methods • Giving feedback • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes four downloadable resources: A set of EQA templates; Completed examples of the templates; An EQA monitoring checklist; EQA checklist - factors to consider when sampling

EQA/5 - Evaluating External Quality Assurance, and Continuing Professional Development   

• Why evaluate EQA practice? • Evaluating EQA practice • Standardisation of practice •  What is reflective practice? • What is continuing professional development? (CPD) • Planning and maintaining CPD • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

Includes seven downloadable resources: An EQA monitoring checklist; Personal development plan template; A completed example of the template; CPD record template; A completed example of the template; Reflective learning journal template; A completed example of the template

All courses are subject to KMFs terms and conditions, and Ann Gravells' resource terms and conditions.