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Unit 5 - Using Resources for Education and Training
Please click on these links for the other units:
Unit 1 - Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training
Unit 2 - Planning to Meet the Needs of Learners in Education and Training
Unit 3 - Delivering Education and Training
Unit 4 - Assessing Learners in Education and Training
Please scroll down for details of all items and prices.
10% off if you bulk buy everything on this
page with one click.
£59.40 instead of £66.00 for 23 items. Accessible via a zipped file. Assignment materials are sold separately.
One-click purchase for all the units for the Certificate (at 10% off).
Self-assessment grid (in Word) (50p)
(Ref SAU5C)
1 page template listing the three learning outcomes and seven assessment criteria which make up the unit Using resources for education and training at level 4. The document is in Word to enable learners to add their statements to meet the assessment criteria. A completed example is available below: Ref PGU5C
Completed example of the self-assessment grid (£2.50)
(Ref PGU5C)
5 pages listing
and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria which make up the unit Using resources for education and training at level 4. A blank version in Word is available above: Ref SAU5C
The information leaflets briefly cover all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this unit. However, learners are advised to research the topics further if working towards the qualification. PowerPoints are available for teachers which contain similar information to the information leaflets, but also include detailed presenter notes and activities for learners. Please scroll to the end of the page.
Information leaflet - Using resources (£1.50)
(Ref C9013)
6 pages covering: · What are resources? · Examples of resources · Electronic and online resources · People as a resource · Meeting the individual needs of learners when using resources · Using resources · Adapting resources ·Reading list · Website list
Information leaflet - The Minimum Core: Resources (£1.50) This is the 2022 version, please contact me for the pre-2022 version (Ref C9014)
6 pages covering: · What is the minimum core? · Minimum core aims · Minimum Core Guidance · Minimum core table – English: Resources · Demonstrating the minimum core · English, maths and digital skills · Sustainability · Equality, diversity and inclusion · Reading list · Website list
Information leaflet - Reviewing own practice: Resources (£1.50)
(Ref C9015)
5 pages covering: · Why review your practice? · How can you review your practice? · Feedback from others · How can you obtain the views of learners and others? · What is reflective practice? · A straightforward method of reflection (EDAR) · Areas for improvement: resources · Reading list · Website list
Information leaflet - Observations and teaching practice (£1.50)
(Ref C9012)
5 pages covering: · Observed practice · Mentor and peer support · Teaching practice · Preparing for the observation · During the observation · After the observation · Reading list · Website list
Handout - Table of resources which could be used for teaching, learning and assessment (£1.00)
(Ref H9012)
1 page table listing over 100 resources which can be used for teaching, learning and assessment purposes.
Handout - Resource box (50p)
(Ref H9023)
1 page of information explaining what a resource box is and how it can be used, along with a list of 27 examples of resources which could be kept in the box for use with learners.
Handout - Assistive resources (50p)
(Ref H9024)
1 page of information explaining how assistive resources can be used with learners, along with 20 examples.
Handout - Hints and tips for creating and using handouts and visual presentations (£1.50)
(Ref H9018)
3 pages of information listing approximately 30 hints and tips for creating and using handouts and visual presentations for use with learners.
Handout - List of technologies (50p)
(Ref H9019)
1 page listing over 36 different technologies and media which can be used for teaching and learning purposes.
Teaching, learning and assessment checklist (£1.50)
(Ref HC012)
A comprehensive 4 page checklist containing over 100 questions based on the five aspects of the teaching, learning and assessment cycle. It should help all teachers ensure they are performing their role effectively.
Reviewing own practice checklist: Resources (£1.00)
(Ref HC017)
A list of approximately 18 aspects which should be reviewed to help evaluate the use of resources.
The document is in Word to key in comments.
Minimum core checklist
(£2.00) (Ref
ATMC01) Before 01.09.22
A comprehensive 3 page checklist containing all the personal skills in which a teacher (registered prior to 01.09.22) must demonstrate their skills.
core checklist (£2.00) (Ref MCC) After 01.09.22
A comprehensive 28 page checklist covering the content of the five elements and seven categories in which a teacher (registered after 01.09.22) must demonstrate their skills.
It was produced by Joey Greenwood of Smart Training Solutions Ltd.
Observation checklist/report for the Certificate in Education and Training (in Word) (£4.00)
(Ref HC013)
6 page pro-forma in Word with detailed information regarding aspects to observe, along with comment boxes. Aspects include: planning and preparation, introduction to the session, teaching and learning, resources, assessment and concluding the session. Guidance notes are included regarding what to look for in each aspect. An overall feedback page is included, as well as the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the three mandatory units which must be observed as part of the qualification. A form should be used for each observation so that throughout all the observations, all the assessment criteria can be met.
Can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements.
Template - Teaching Practice Log (in Word) (50p)
(Ref AT021)
1 page blank template in Word of a teaching practice log. Enables learners to document their teaching practice hours, along with heir supporting information and evidence. See below for a handout of information along with a completed example: Ref H9016
Completed example - Teaching Practice Log (£1.00)
(Ref H9016)
2 pages of information relating to teaching practice, including a sample completed teaching practice log, and a list of possible evidence to support the teaching practice. See above for a blank template of a teaching practice log in Word: Ref AT021
Template – Reflective Learning Journal (in Word) (50p)
(Ref AT005)
1 page template which can be used as a reflective learning journal. Helps focus thought by explaining, describing, analysing and revising actions. See below for a completed example: Ref I9015A
Completed Example of a Reflective Learning Journal (£1.50)
(Ref I9015A)
2 page completed example of a reflective learning journal. This is from the perspective of a teacher delivering their
first session to a new group of learners. The detailed reflection takes into
account theories such as Schon and Brookfield. See above for a blank template in Word: Ref AT005
Assignments are available for this unit and the most popular optional units.
You must be a centre delivering the qualifications and be able to provide your centre name, number and awarding organisation name. All purchasers will be checked.
Assignments will not be sold to learners.
The PowerPoints cover all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this unit. They include detailed presenter notes and ideas for activities for learners to carry out. Information leaflets are available for learners which contain most of the information from the PowerPoints, these can be used as handouts to support the presentation. Please scroll to the top of the page to access them.
The content of the PowerPoints, along with the presenter notes, could easily be adapted to become online learning materials.
PowerPoint - Using resources (£10.00)
(Ref C0013)
22 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:
· What are resources? · Examples of resources · Electronic and online resources · People as a resource · Meeting the individual needs of learners when using resources · Using resources · Adapting resources · Summary Quiz · Reading list · Website list
PowerPoint - The Minimum Core: Resources (£10.00) (Ref C0014)
21 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:
· What is the minimum core? · Minimum core aims · Minimum Core Guidance · Minimum core table - English: Resources · Demonstrating the minimum core · English, maths and digital skills · Sustainability · Equality, diversity and inclusion · Summary Quiz · Reading list · Website list
PowerPoint - Reviewing own practice: Resources (£10.00)
(Ref C0015)
22 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:
· Why review your practice? · How can you review your practice? ·Feedback from others · How can you obtain the views of learners and others? · What is reflective practice? · A straightforward method of reflection (EDAR) · Areas for improvement: resources
Summary quiz
Reading list
Website list
PowerPoint - Observations and teaching practice (£10.00)
(Ref C0012)
19 slides with detailed presenter notes covering:
· Observed practice · Mentor and peer support · Teaching practice · Preparing for the observation · During the observation · After the observation · Summary quiz · Reading list · Website list