EQA Units 1 and 2

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External Quality Assurance (EQA)
Units 1 and 2

Unit 1 - Understanding the principles and practices of externally assuring the quality of assessment

Unit 2 - Externally assure the quality of assessment

  • Self-assessment grids
  • Guidance for achieving the units
  • Assessment plans
  • Information leaflets
  • Assignments
  • Observation checklist
  • Handouts
  • Templates & completed examples
  • Checklists
  • PowerPoints
  • Please click on this link for:

    Unit 3 - Plan, allocate and monitor work in own area of responsibility 

    Please scroll down for details of all items and prices.

    These units are together as unit 1 is theory and unit 2 is practice.

    10% off if you bulk buy everything on this page with one click.

    £95.04 instead of £105.60 for 33 items.  Accessible via a zipped file. Assignment materials are sold separately. 

    One-click purchase for all the units for EQA (at 10% off).

    Self-assessment grids

    Self-assessment grid (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref SAE01L4) 

    4 page template listing all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Understanding the principles and practices of externally assuring the quality of assessment. The document is in Word to enable you to type in your statements to meet the assessment criteria. See the 'Guidance for evidencing achievement' below, for examples of what to write to meet the criteria.

    Self-assessment grid (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref SAE02L4)

    3 page template listing all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit

    Externally assure the quality of assessment

    The document is in Word to enable you to type in your statements to meet the assessment criteria. 

    See the 'Guidance for evidencing achievement' below, for examples of what to write to meet the criteria.

    Guidance for achieving the units

    Guidance for evidencing achievement - Completed example of a self-assessment grid (£4.50)
    (Ref PGE01L4)
    10 pages listing guidance and evidence to meet the assessment criteria for the unit Understanding the principles and practices of externally assuring the quality of assessment. 

    Guidance for achieving the unit - Completed example of a self-assessment grid (£4.50)
    (Ref PGE02L4)

    9 pages listing listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the assessment criteria for the unit

    Externally assure the quality of assessment.

    Assessment plans 

    Assessment plan (in Word) (£1.50)
    (Ref AT064)

    6 page assessment plan template for the unit Understanding the principles and practices of externally assuring the quality of assessment. The plan is in Word for you to amend according to the assessment methods you will use and the target dates you will set. It lists the learning outcomes and assessment criteria with a few suggested activities as a starting point.

    Assessment plan (in Word) (£1.50)
    (Ref AT065)

    4 page assessment plan template for the unit Externally assure the quality of assessment. 

    The plan is in Word for you to amend according to the assessment methods you will use and the target dates you will set. 

    It lists the learning outcomes and assessment criteria with a few suggested activities as a starting point.

    Information leaflets  

    The information leaflets briefly cover all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this unit. However, learners are advised to research the topics further if working towards the qualification. PowerPoints are available for teachers which contain similar information to the information leaflets, but also include detailed presenter notes and activities for learners. Please scroll to the end of the page.

    Information Leaflet - An introduction to the External Quality Assurance (EQA) Units (£1.50)
    (Ref E9001)

    5 pages covering: • The EQA Awards and Certificate • Award in Understanding the external quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Award in the external quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Certificate in leading the external quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Achieving the units • External quality assurance cycle • Reading list • Website list

    Information Leaflet - Key Concepts and Principles of External Quality Assurance (£1.50)
    (Ref E9002)
    7 pages covering:  • Why should EQA take place?  • The functions of EQA  • Working for an awarding organisation  •   EQA cycle  •   Key concepts of EQA  •   EQA rationale  •   Key principles of EQA  •   Role and responsibilities of an EQA  • Regulations, Policies and Procedures  • Reading list  • Website list

    Information Leaflet - Planning EQA activities (£1.50)
    (Ref E9003)
    7 pages covering:  • Aspects to consider when planning •  EQA strategy • Sample plans  • Managing risk  • Planning EQA activities  • Resources  • Technology  • Reading list  • Website list

    Information Leaflet - EQA records (£1.50)
    (Ref E9004)

    3 pages covering:  • Record keeping â€¢ Examples of EQA records  • Reasons for keeping EQA records  •  Data Protection  •  Confidentiality   • Reading list  • Website list
    (See the template section below for blank templates and completed examples)

    Information Leaflet - Carrying out EQA activities, making decisions and giving feedback (£1.50)
    (Ref E9005)
    8 pages covering: â€¢ EQA activities  • Issues affecting visits  • Making a decision: • observing practice  • sampling assessed work • remote sampling  • Risks  • Malpractice  • Agreeing action and improvement points  • Feedback  • Different feedback methods  •  Giving feedback  • Reading list • Website list

    Information Leaflet - Evaluating external quality assurance, and Continuing professional development (£1.50)

    (Ref E9006)

    5 pages covering:  • Why evaluate EQA practice?  • Standardisation of practice • Evaluating EQA practice •  What is reflective practice?  • What is continuing professional development? (CPD)  • Planning and maintaining CPD  • Reading list  • Website list


    An assignment and exemplar answer is available for unit 1, an assignment is available for unit 2. 

    You must be a centre delivering the qualifications and be able to provide your centre name, number and awarding organisation name. All purchasers will be checked.

    Assignments will not be sold to learners.

    Observation checklist – for assessors of EQA Unit 2

    Observation and question checklist for EQA unit two: Externally assure the quality of assessment (in Word) (£4.00) (Ref IC004)

    6 page template in Word with detailed information for observing and asking questions for each of the 

    assessment criteria of the unit Externally assure the quality of assessment. 

    An overall feedback page is also included. The pro-forma can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements.


    Handout - External Quality Assurer roles and responsibilities (50p)
    (Ref E9007)

    2 pages outlining the roles and responsibilities of an EQA, plus a list of approximately 20 EQA roles and responsibilities.

    Handout - EQA Quality Assurance Cycle (£1.00)
    (Ref E9009)

    2 pages of information and a diagram explaining the cycle of quality assurance as it relates to the EQA process.

    Handout - Equality and Diversity, and The Equality Act 2010 (£1.50)
    (Ref I9010)
    5 pages of information regarding equality and diversity, and the Equality Act 2010.

    Handout - Equality and Diversity – Glossary of Terms (£1.50)
    (Ref I9011)
    5 page glossary of approximately 100 terms relating to equality and diversity.


    Templates and completed examples  

    Templates – A set of EQA Records (in Word) (£3.50)
    (Ref AT020)

    9 templates in Word (with instructions) which can be used by an EQA to maintain records of activities with individual centres. They can easily be amended to suit your own requirements. Includes: Centre record & contact log, Visit and sample  plan, IQA observation checklist, Observation checklist - Training delivery, Observation checklist – Assessment, Assessor interview checklist, IQA interview checklist, Learner interview checklist, Witness interview checklist. An EQA report is not included as these are issued by the relevant awarding organisation. (Completed examples are available to purchase below Ref E9008.)

    Completed example of a set of EQA Records (£4.00)
    (Ref E9008)

    9 pages of completed examples of: Centre record & contact log, Visit and sample  plan, IQA observation checklist, Observation checklist - Training delivery, Observation checklist – Assessment, Assessor interview checklist, IQA interview checklist, Learner interview checklist, Witness interview checklist.  An EQA report is not included as these are issued by the relevant awarding organisation. (A set of blank forms in Word is available to purchase as a template above Ref AT020.)

    Template – Personal Development Plan (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT003)
    1 page template which can be used to plan CPD activities. (Completed example is available to purchase below Ref A9060.)

    Completed Example of a Personal Development Plan (80p)
    (Ref A9060)
    1 page completed example of a personal development plan. This is from the perspective of an assessor but it will give you an idea of how to complete it. (A blank form in Word is available to purchase as a template above Ref AT003.)

    Template – Continuing Professional Development Record (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT004)
    1 page template which can be used to document completed CPD activities. (Completed example is available to purchase below Ref A9061E.)

    Completed Example of a Continuing Professional (CPD) Development Record (80p)
    (Ref A9061E)
    1 page completed example of a CPD record for an EQA. (A blank form in Word is available to purchase as a template above Ref AT004.)

    Template – Reflective Learning Journal (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT005)
    1 page template which can be used as a reflective learning journal. (Completed example is available to purchase below Ref I9015A.)

    Completed Example of a Reflective Learning Journal (RLJ)(£1.50)
    (Ref I9015A)
    2 page completed example of a reflective learning journal. This is from the perspective of a teacher delivering their first session to a new group of learners. However, it will give you an idea how to complete it. The detailed reflection takes into account theories such as Schon and Brookfield. (A blank form in Word is available to purchase as a template above Ref AT005.)


    Checklist for external quality assurance monitoring with a centre (£1.50)

    (Ref C9052)

    2 page comprehensive checklist of over 40 points to help an EQA prepare for monitoring activities with centres. The checklist covers the before, during, and after process of a visit or remote sample, along with general information to support the EQA process.

    Checklist for External Quality Assurance – factors to consider when sampling (£1.50)
    (Ref C9053) 
    3 page comprehensive checklist of over 40 factors to consider when carrying out a visit or a remote sample with a centre.


    The PowerPoints cover all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this unit. They include detailed presenter notes and ideas for activities for learners to carry out. Information leaflets are available for learners which contain most of the information from the PowerPoints, these can be used as handouts to support the presentation. Please scroll to the top of the page to access them. 

    The content of the PowerPoints, along with the presenter notes, could easily be adapted to become online learning materials.

    PowerPoint - An introduction to the External Quality Assurance (EQA) Units (£10.00)
    (Ref E0001)
    14 slides with presenter notes covering:
    • The EQA Awards and Certificate • Award in Understanding the external quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Award in the external quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Certificate in leading the external quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Achieving the units • External quality assurance cycle • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

    PowerPoint - Key Concepts and Principles of External Quality Assurance (£10.00)
    (Ref E0002)
    23 slides with presenter notes covering: 
    • Why should EQA take place?  • The functions of EQA  • Working for an awarding organisation  • EQA cycle • Key concepts of EQA  •  EQA rationale  • Key principles of EQA  • Role and responsibilities of an EQA â€¢ Regulations, Policies and Procedures  •   Summary quiz  • Reading list  • Website list

    PowerPoint - Planning EQA activities (£10.00)
    (Ref E0003)

    25 slides with presenter notes covering: 
    • Aspects to consider when planning • EQA strategy • Sample plans • Managing risk • Planning EQA activities • Resources • Technology â€¢ Summary quiz  • Reading list  • Website list

    PowerPoint - EQA records (£10.00)
    (Ref E0004)

    14 slides with presenter notes covering: 
    •    Record keeping â€¢   Examples of EQA records •  Reasons for keeping EQA records  • Data Protection  • Confidentiality   •   Summary quiz â€¢  Reading list  • Website list

    PowerPoint - Carrying out EQA activities, making decisions and giving feedback (£10.00)
    (Ref E0005)
    29 slides with presenter notes covering : 
    • EQA activities  • Issues affecting visits  • Making a decision: observing practice  • sampling assessed work • remote sampling  • Risks  • Malpractice  • Agreeing action and improvement points  •Feedback  • Different feedback methods  • Giving feedback  • Summary quiz  • Reading list  • Website list 

    PowerPoint - Evaluating External Quality Assurance, and Continuing Professional Development (£10.00)
    (Ref E0006) 

    24 slides with presenter notes covering: 
    • Why evaluate EQA practice?  • Standardisation of practice •   Evaluating EQA practice  • What is reflective practice?  • What is continuing professional development? (CPD)  • Planning and maintaining CPD  • Summary quiz  • Reading list  • Website list

    Please click here for Unit 3

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