T levels, Prevent Duty, British Values

This page covers:

  • T levels and the Post 16 Skills Plan

  • Prevent Duty

  • Text books

  • British Values  

Relevant weblinks are included within each section. 

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T levels and the Post 16 Skills Plan

From September 2020 to 2023, over 20,000 courses were replaced with 15 routes into academic and technical options, known as T levels (T stands for 'technical') as a result of the Post 16 Skills Plan (2016). They are an alternative to A levels and are at level 3. They last for two years, are for those aged 16 and above, and include a period of work experience. They will be equivalent to three A levels.

Lord Sainsbury’s Report of the Independent Panel on Technical Education (2016) recommended each route has a common core which will include English, maths and digital skills, as well as a “specialisation towards a skilled occupation or set of occupations”.

Applied General is a new category of Level 3 vocational qualification. Like T Levels, they are taken over two years and are available for those aged 16 and above.

Applied General qualifications cover broader subject areas than T Levels. Rather than focusing on a specific occupation, learners are supported to develop transferable skills in areas such as science, business or sport.

Upon completion of a T Level or an applied general qualification, learners will be able to progress to higher education, complete a higher apprenticeship, or start work.

Here are some relevant articles and websites you might like to check out:


Prevent Duty

The Prevent Duty isn't about preventing people from having religious, political or other views. It's about preventing them from being radicalised and drawn into terrorism. The Prevent Duty is part of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (2015)

You should be required to attend a training session at your organisation to ensure that you are up to date with the requirements. Following them will be part of your job role. You can access guidance from the Department for Education regarding the Prevent duty in work-based learning environments.

Text books

Just click on any book image to gain further details via Amazon. #ad 

There don't seem to be many text books available, please let me know of any good ones!

You can download a guide from City & Guilds regarding Teaching, Learning and Assessment of T Level Qualifications.

British Values

If you work in education in Great Britain, you will need to consider how you can promote fundamental British Values. If your organisation is inspected by Ofsted, they will be looking for evidence of this. 

However, perhaps it’s not just about British Values, it could be considered 'everyone’s values'.


British Values are taken from the Prevent Strategy (2011).

According to Ofsted, 'fundamental British values' are:

  • democracy

  • the rule of law

  • individual liberty

  • mutual respect

  • tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith.

British Values are taken from the Prevent Strategy (2011).

According to Ofsted, 'fundamental British values' are:

  • democracy

  • the rule of law

  • individual liberty

  • mutual respect

  • tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith.

Learners will need to know about these and understand how they can affect their role in society. They will need to know what is right and wrong, and how they should respect the law. They should also know how to accept responsibility for their actions, respect others, and understand how they can contribute to society in a positive way. If you get the opportunity, you could hold a discussion, or carry out an activity with your learners based around the values. 

Ways to promote British Values can include:

  • discussing and researching how democracy and the law works in Britain, for example, comparing it to governments in other countries

  • encouraging learners to make independent choices and express their views, with the knowledge that they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment

  • exploring with learners what it means to be British, and what they think the values mean

  • holding discussions which give learners the opportunity to learn how to defend their points of view and respect others’ views

  • inviting guest speakers from different faiths and beliefs to talk to learners and answer any questions they have

  • preparing learners for life and employment in a modern civilised society

  • promoting democracy in action by encouraging learners to speak up and debate, knowing they will be listened to

  • using learning materials which represent all aspects of society

  • enabling learners to vote for members to be on educational committees.

Here are some weblinks you might like to check out:

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