Qualification upgrades

This page covers:

  • What is a qualification upgrade?

  • How can I upgrade?

  • Resources to help you upgrade

  • Assessment units - upgrade resources: handout and online courses; self-assessment grids and guidance

  • Internal quality assurance units - upgrade resources: handout and online courses; self-assessment grids and guidance

  • External quality assurance units - upgrade resources: handout and online courses; self-assessment grids and guidance

What is a qualification upgrade?

A qualification upgrade is about demonstrating that you are meeting the requirements of the current version of a qualification which you have previously achieved. It applies to the assessment and quality assurance qualifications and is a great way to carry out continuing professional development (CPD). You might feel that you don't need to upgrade, however, it could be that there are aspects you don't know about, perhaps because they were not in the original qualification which you achieved. Or it might be that you gained your qualification a few years ago and have not been carrying out the role for a while. Upgrading will help you to ensure that you are are up to date with your knowledge and practice.

For example, if you achieved the D32/D33 Assessor Award, then you might need to prove that your knowledge and skills are still acceptable towards the current version of the qualification

You might have heard of the acronyms CAVA and TAQA. These stand for: Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA) and Training, Assessment & Quality Assurance (TAQA). They are often used to denote the current version of the assessment and quality assurance qualifications. 

The following qualifications are those which may need to be upgraded:

  • Assessment: D32/D33 and A1/A2 

  • Internal quality assurance (IQA): D34 and V1

  • External quality assurance (EQA): D35 and V2

If you have any of the above qualifications, you will need to check with your organisation if they require you to upgrade. There might also be a requirement to upgrade by the awarding organisation for your particular subject. Even if it's not a requirement for you to upgrade, it's good practice to do so and will count towards your continuing professional development (CPD). It can also help to standardise practice between staff.

External quality assurers often ask for evidence of how staff who gained their qualifications a long time ago, are demonstrating that their practice is current.

There is no current requirement to upgrade from an older teaching qualification to a newer one.

How can I upgrade?

Ask at your organisation if they have a training session which you can attend, or if they have any documentation that you can complete to evidence your knowledge and practice to the current qualification content.

You can update your knowledge by reading a suitable text book, or taking part in an online training session for the aspects which you feel you need to learn more about.  

You can download and complete a self-assessment grid (see the resources below) to state how you are demonstrating that you are meeting the current qualification criteria. Scroll down the page to purchase these, which are only 50p. Guidance is also available to help you evidence each of the criteria at £4.50.

Each qualification consists of units, you will need to know which unit is relevant to you. The unit title will be helpful and will relate to your job role e.g. if it's to do with assessment or internal/external quality assurance. The units beginning with the word 'Understanding' are knowledge units, the others are performance units. You need to have the knowledge to be able to perform your role fully.

Your employer might also want to observe you in practice as part of their quality assurance systems. Observation documents which can be used for this purpose are available.

Resources to help you upgrade

Scroll down for:

  • Assessment

  • Internal quality assurance (IQA) 

  • External quality assurance (EQA) 

Assessment units - upgrade resources

Handout and online courses

An introduction to the three assessor units (£1.00) (Ref G9012)

4 pages covering: • The Awards and Certificate • Award in understanding the principles and practices of assessment   â€¢ Award in assessing competence in the work environment  • Award in assessing vocationally related achievement  • Certificate in assessing vocational achievement (CAVA)   â€¢ Achieving the units 

Online courses

You can take an online course to ensure that your knowledge is up to date. 

Prices are only £18 per module and you will receive a record of achievement once completed.

Self-assessment grids and guidance

UNIT ONE Self-assessment grid (50p) (Ref SAA01L3)
3 page template listing all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Understanding the principles and practices of assessment. The document is in Word to enable you to type in your statements to meet the assessment criteria. 

UNIT ONE Guidance for evidencing achievement - Completed example of a self-assessment grid (£4.50)
(Ref PGA01L3)
16 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Understanding the principles and practices of assessment. 

Each aspect is cross referenced to relevant criteria in the other units.

UNIT TWO Self-assessment grid (50p) (Ref SAA02L3)
2 page template listing all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Assess occupational competence in the work environment. The document is in Word to enable you to type in your statements to meet the assessment criteria.

UNIT TWO Guidance for evidencing achievement - Completed example of a self-assessment grid (£4.50)
(Ref PGA02L3)
9 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Assess occupational competence in the work environment.

Each aspect is cross referenced to relevant criteria in the other units.

UNIT THREE Self-assessment grid (50p) (Ref SAA03L3)
3 page template listing all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Assess vocational skills, knowledge and understanding. The document is in Word to enable you to type in your statements to meet the assessment criteria. 

UNIT THREE Guidance for evidencing achievement - Completed example of a self-assessment grid (£4.50)
(Ref PGA03L3)
10 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Assess vocational skills, knowledge and understanding.

Each aspect is cross referenced to relevant criteria in the other units.

Internal quality assurance units - upgrade resources

Handout and online courses

An introduction to the three Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Units (£1.00) (Ref G9013)

4 pages covering: • The Awards and Certificate • Award in Understanding the internal quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Award in the internal quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Certificate in leading the internal quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Achieving the units 

Online courses

You can take an online course to ensure that your knowledge is up to date.

Prices are only £18 per module and you will receive a record of achievement once completed.

Self-assessment grids and guidance

UNIT ONE Self-assessment grid (50p) (Ref SAI01L4)

3 page template listing all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Understanding the principles and practices of internally assuring the quality of assessment.
The document is in Word to enable you to type in your statements to meet the assessment criteria. 

UNIT ONE Guidance for evidencing achievement - Completed example of a self-assessment grid (£4.50)
(Ref PGI01L4)

8 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Understanding the principles and practices of internally assuring the quality of assessment. 

Each aspect is cross referenced to relevant criteria in the other units.

UNIT TWO Self-assessment grid (50p) (Ref SAI02L4)

2 page template listing all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Internally assure the quality of assessment.
The document is in Word to enable you to type in your statements to meet the assessment criteria. 

UNIT TWO Guidance for evidencing achievement - Completed example of a self-assessment grid (£4.50)
(Ref PGI02L4)

7 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Internally assure the quality of assessment.

Each aspect is cross referenced to relevant criteria in the other units.

UNIT THREE Self-assessment grid  (50p) (Ref SAI03L4)

2 page template listing all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Plan, allocate and monitor work in own area of responsibility. The document is in Word to enable you to type in your statements to meet the assessment criteria.

UNIT THREE Guidance for evidencing achievement - Completed example of a self-assessment grid (£4.50)
(Ref PGI03L4)

5 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Plan, allocate and monitor work in own area of responsibility.

Each aspect is cross referenced to relevant criteria in the other units.

External quality assurance units - upgrade resources

Handout and online courses

An introduction to the three External Quality Assurance (EQA) Units (£1.00) (Ref G9014)

4 pages covering: • The EQA Awards and Certificate • Award in Understanding the external quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Award in the external quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Certificate in leading the external quality assurance of assessment processes and practice • Achieving the units

Online courses

You can take an online course to ensure that your knowledge is up to date.

Prices are only £18 per module and you will receive a record of achievement once completed.

Self-assessment grids and guidance

UNIT ONE Self-assessment grid (50p) (Ref SAE01L4) 

4 page template listing all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Understanding the principles and practices of externally assuring the quality of assessment. The document is in Word to enable you to type in your statements to meet the assessment criteria. 

UNIT ONE Guidance for evidencing achievement - Completed example of a self-assessment grid (£4.50)
(Ref PGE01L4) 

10 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Understanding the principles and practices of externally assuring the quality of assessment. 

Each aspect is cross referenced to relevant criteria in the other units.

UNIT TWO Self-assessment grid (50p) (Ref SAE02L4)

3 page template listing all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Externally assure the quality of assessment. The document is in Word to enable you to type in your statements to meet the assessment criteria.  

UNIT TWO Guidance for achieving the unit - Completed example of a self-assessment grid (£4.50)
(Ref PGE02L4)

7 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Externally assure the quality of assessment.

Each aspect is cross referenced to relevant criteria in the other units.

UNIT THREE Self-assessment grid (50p) (Ref SAI03L4)

2 page template listing all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Plan, allocate and monitor work in own area of responsibility. The document is in Word to enable you to type in your statements to meet the assessment criteria. 

UNIT THREE Guidance for evidencing achievement - Completed example of a self-assessment grid (£4.50)
(Ref PGE03L4)

5 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit Plan, allocate and monitor work in own area of responsibility.

Each aspect is cross referenced to relevant criteria in the other units.