Award Unit 2 (AET)

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Unit 2 - Understanding and Using Inclusive Teaching and Learning Approaches in Education and Training 

  • Self-assessment grid
  • Guidance for achieving the unit
  • Information leaflets
  • Handouts
  • Templates
  • Templates & completed examples
  • Checklist
  • Assignments
  • PowerPoints
  • Please click on these links for the other units: 

    Unit 1 - Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training

    Unit 3 - Understanding Assessment in Education and Training 


    Please scroll down for details of all items and prices.

    10% off if you bulk buy everything on this page with one click.

    £115.29 instead of £128.10 for 42 items. Accessible via a zipped file. Assignment materials are sold separately.

    You may also need the micro-teach resources to compliment this unit.

    One-click purchase for all the units for the Award (at 10% off).

    Self-assessment grid 

    Self-assessment grid (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref SAU2A)
    2 page template listing the five learning outcomes and fourteen assessment criteria for the unit Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training. The document is in Word to enable learners to add their statements to meet the assessment criteria.  A completed example is available below: Ref PGU2A

    Guidance for achieving the unit  

    Completed example of the self-assessment grid (£2.50)
    (Ref PGU2A)
    5 pages listing guidance and evidence which could be produced to meet the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training. A blank version in Word is available above: Ref SAU2A

    Information leaflets  

    The information leaflets briefly cover all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this unit. However, learners are advised to research the topics further if working towards the qualification. PowerPoints are available for teachers which contain similar information to the information leaflets, but also include detailed presenter notes and activities for learners. Please scroll to the end of the page.

    Information leaflet - Inclusive Teaching and Learning (£1.50)
    (Ref D9001)
    7 pages covering:• Features of inclusive teaching and learning • Differentiation •  Teaching and learning environments • Motivation • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs • Reading list • Website list

    Information leaflet – Teaching, Learning and Assessment Approaches (£1.50)
    (Ref D9002)
    7 pages covering: • Teaching and learning approaches • Table of strengths and limitations: meeting individual needs (teaching and learning) • Facilitating learning • Assessment approaches • Table of strengths and limitations: meeting individual needs (assessment) • Providing constructive feedback to learners • Resources • Table: meeting individual needs (with resources) • Reading list • Website list

    Information leaflet - Providing opportunities for English, Maths, ICT, Wider Skills and British Values (£1.50)
    (Ref D9003)
    7 pages covering:• Why provide opportunities for learners to practice these skills? • Terminology • How to provide opportunities for learners to practice their skills in: English, Maths, ICT and Wider Skills • British values • Reading list • Website list

    Information leaflet - Theories of learning (£1.50)
    (Ref B9003)
    8 pages covering:• How does learning occur? • Learning preferences: Fleming, Honey & Mumford • Retention of learning: Pike • Domains of learning: Bloom • Conditions of learning: Gagne • Sensory theory: Laird • Experiential theory: Kolb • Humanist theory: Rogers • Behaviourist theory: Skinner • Reading list • Website list

    Information leaflet - Communication (£1.50)
    (Ref U9001)
    5 pages covering • What is communication? • Verbal communication • Non-verbal communication • Speaking, listening, reading, writing • Barriers to communication • Berne’s Transactional Analysis theory • Reading list • Website list

    Information leaflet - Induction, Icebreakers and Ground Rules (£1.50)
    (Ref B9001)
    6 pages covering • The induction process • Creating an induction checklist • Using icebreakers • Types of icebreaker • Using energisers • Establishing ground rules • Maintaining ground rules • Reading list • Website list

    (See the template section below for examples).

    Information leaflet - Creating a Scheme of Work (£1.50)
    (Ref U9002)
    5 pages covering â€¢  What is a scheme of work?  â€¢  What details should it include?  â€¢  What influences the content?  â€¢  Aims and objectives  â€¢  Devising a rationale for a scheme of work  â€¢  Creating a scheme of work  â€¢  Using a scheme of work  â€¢  Reading list  â€¢  Website list
    (See the template section below for a blank template and completed example of a scheme of work)

    Information leaflet - Creating a Session Plan (£1.50)

    (Ref U9003A) 

    7 pages covering • Creating a session plan • Aspects to consider when planning a session • Aims and objectives  •  Teaching and learning activities  • Assessment activities   â€¢ Resources • Timings • Reading list • Website list

    (See the template section below for a blank template and completed example of a session plan)

    Information leaflet - Self-evaluation, and Continuing Professional Development (£1.50)
    (Ref U9004)
    4 pages covering •  What is self-evaluation? •  Questions to ask yourself •  Obtaining feedback •  What is reflective practice? •  Continuing Professional Development (CPD) •  Maintaining CPD • Reading list • Website list
    (See the template section below for blank templates and completed examples)


    Handout - Table of resources which could be used for teaching, learning and assessment (£1.00)
    (Ref H9012)
    1 page table listing over 100 resources which can be used for teaching, learning and assessment purposes.

    Handout - Table of Teaching and Learning Approaches and Activities (£2.00)
    (Ref U9050)
    5 pages of information detailing approximately 80 different approaches and activities which could be used with learners, along with a description of each.  Some examples of strengths, limitations and individual needs are included.

    Handout - Table of Objectives (£1.00)
    (Ref U9053A)
    1 page of information detailing over 200 different objectives at nine different levels of learning, to aid the session planning process.

    Handout - The environment - examples of physical, social and learning aspects (£1.00)
    (Ref H9006)
    1 page of information with a table listing examples for each of the physical, social and learning aspects of the environment.


    Template – Induction checklist (in Word) (£1.00)
    (Ref AT061)
    1 page template listing over 60 aspects which could be covered during the induction process for any course or programme. Can easily be revised to meet organisational requirements. 

    Template – Icebreaker - Bingo (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT016)
    1 page template containing 25 questions in a bingo grid which can be used as an icebreaker activity with learners. Questions can easily be amended to suit a particular group and course.

    Template – Icebreaker – Getting to know you (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT017)
    1 page template containing seven short questions which can be asked in pairs, enabling learners to introduce each other to the group. Questions can easily be amended to suit a particular group and course.

    Templates and completed examples  

    Template – Rationale for a Scheme of Work (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT013)
    2 page template with approximately 20 questions to help write a rationale for a scheme of work. See below for a completed example: Ref M9061

    Completed Example of a Rationale for a Scheme of Work (£1.50)
    3 page rationale consisting of completed questions from the template (Ref AT013 – available to purchase separately on this page), based on an Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT) Level 1 programme. See above for a blank template in Word: Ref AT013 

    Template – Scheme of Work (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT014)
    1 page pro-forma with relevant headings and boxes to help structure the content of a scheme of work. Can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements. See below for a completed example: Ref M9060

    Completed Example of a Scheme of Work (£1.50)
    1 page example based on an Introduction to Information Communication Technology (ICT) Level 1 programme. First, second and last sessions are shown. See above for a blank template in Word: Ref AT014

    Template - Session Plan (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT007)
    1 page pro-forma with relevant headings and boxes to help structure the content of a session plan. Ideal for any type of session i.e. a micro teach session to peers or a teaching session to learners. Can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements. See below for a completed example: Ref M9062

    Completed Example of a Session Plan (£1.50)
    (Ref M9062) 
    2 page example of a completed three hour session plan (for the first session from the scheme of work about using ICT, which is available to purchase separately Ref M9060). Includes examples of SMART objectives, appropriate timings, resources, teaching, learning and assessment activities. See above for a blank session plan in Word: Ref AT007

    Template – Personal Development Plan (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT003)
    1 page template which can be used to plan CPD activities. Helps focus short, medium and long term targets. See below for a completed example: Ref A9060

    Completed Example of a Personal Development Plan (80p)
    (Ref A9060)
    1 page completed example of a personal development plan (form the perspective of an assessor). See above for a blank template in Word: Ref AT003

    Template – Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT004)
    1 page template which can be used as a record to document completed CPD activities. See below for a completed example: Ref A9061

    Completed Example of a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record (80p)
    (Ref A9061)
    1 page completed example of a CPD record (from the perspective of an assessor). See above for a blank template in Word: Ref AT004 

    Template – Reflective Learning Journal (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT005)
    1 page template which can be used as a reflective learning journal. Helps focus thought by explaining, describing, analysing and revising actions. See below for a completed example: Ref I9015A

    Completed Example of a Reflective Learning Journal (£1.50)
    (Ref I9015A)
    2 page completed example of a reflective learning journal. This is from the perspective of a teacher delivering their first session to a new group of learners. The detailed reflection takes into account theories such as Schon and Brookfield. See above for a blank template in Word: Ref AT005 

    Template – Summary and Action Plan (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT012)
    1 page template to help write a summary of learning from the programme, and to devise an action plan for the future. See below for a completed example: Ref M9058

    Completed Example of a Summary and Action Plan (£1.50)
    (Ref M9058)
    1 page completed example of a Summary and Action Plan. This is from the perspective of a trainee teacher who has just completed a teacher/training course. It summarises learning and sets an action plan for further development. See above for a blank template in Word: Ref AT012


    Verbal, listening, non-verbal and written communication skills checklist (£1.00)
    (Ref HC003)
    3 page checklist containing approximately 70 aspects to help improve verbal, listening, non-verbal and written communication skills.  


    Assignments and exemplar answers are available for this unit. Click here for details.

    You must be a centre delivering the qualifications and be able to provide your centre name, number and awarding organisation name. All purchasers will be checked.

    Assignments will not be sold to learners.


    The PowerPoints cover all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for this unit. They include detailed presenter notes and ideas for activities for learners to carry out. Information leaflets are available for learners which contain most of the information from the PowerPoints, these can be used as handouts to support the presentation. Please scroll to the top of the page to access them.

    The content of the PowerPoints, along with the presenter notes, could easily be adapted to become online learning materials.

    PowerPoint - Inclusive Teaching and Learning (£10.00)
    (Ref D0001)
    27 slides with presenter notes covering:
    • Features of inclusive teaching and learning • Differentiation •  Teaching and learning environments • Motivation • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

    PowerPoint – Teaching, Learning and Assessment Approaches (£10.00)
    (Ref D0002)
    25 slides with presenter notes covering:
    • Teaching and learning approaches • Example of strengths and limitations: meeting individual needs (teaching and learning) • Facilitating learning • Assessment approaches • Example of strengths and limitations: meeting individual needs (assessment) • Providing constructive feedback to learners • Resources • Example resource: meeting individual needs • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

    PowerPoint - Providing opportunities for English, Maths, ICT, Wider Skills and British Values (£10.00)
    (Ref D0003)
    25 slides with presenter notes covering:
    • Why provide opportunities for learners to practice these skills? • Terminology •  How to provide opportunities for learners to practice their skills in: English, Maths, ICT and Wider Skills • British values • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

    PowerPoint - Theories of learning (£10.00)
    (Ref B0003)
    29 slides with presenter notes covering:
    • How does learning occur? • Learning preferences: Fleming, Honey & Mumford •Retention of learning: Pike • Domains of learning: Bloom • Conditions of learning: Gagne • Sensory theory: Laird • Experiential theory: Kolb • Humanist theory: Rogers • Behaviourist theory: Skinner • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list
    (Examples of each theory in practice are included in the presenter notes)

    PowerPoint - Communication (£10.00)
    (Ref U0001)
    20 slides with presenter notes covering:
    • What is communication? • Verbal communication • Non verbal communication • Speaking, listening, reading, writing • Barriers to communication • Berne’s Transactional Analysis theory • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

    PowerPoint - Induction, Icebreakers and Ground rules (£10.00)
    (Ref B0001)
    22 slides with presenter notes covering:
    • The induction process • Creating an induction checklist • Using icebreakers • Types of icebreaker • Using energisers • Establishing ground rules •  Maintaining ground rules • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

    PowerPoint - Creating a Scheme of Work (£10.00)
    (Ref U0002)
    23 slides with presenter notes covering:
    • What is a scheme of work?  â€¢ What details should it include?  â€¢ What influences the content?  â€¢ Aims and objectives  â€¢ Devising a rationale for a scheme of work  â€¢ Creating a scheme of work  â€¢ Using a scheme of work  â€¢ Reading list  â€¢ Website list

    PowerPoint – Creating a session plan (£10.00)
    (Ref U0003A)
    28 slides with presenter notes covering:
    • Creating a session plan • Aspects to consider when planning a session • Aims and objectives • Teaching and learning activities • Assessment activities  • Resources • Timings • Reading list • Website list

    PowerPoint - Self-evaluation and Continuing Professional Development (£10.00)
    (Ref U0004)
    18 slides with presenter notes covering:
    • What is self-evaluation? • Questions to ask yourself • Obtaining feedback • What is reflective practice? • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) • Maintaining CPD • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

    Please click on these links for the other units: Unit 1Unit 3Micro teach

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