Award - micro-teach

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Micro-teach resources

  • Information leaflet
  • Handouts
  • Templates & completed examples
  • Checklists
  • PowerPoint

  • 10% off if you bulk buy everything on this page with one click.

    £31.05 instead of Â£34.50 for 15 items. Accessible via a zipped file. Assignment materials are sold separately.

    One-click purchase for all the units for the Award (at 10% off).

    Information leaflet  

    A PowerPoint is available for teachers which contains the same information as the information leaflet â€“ please scroll to the end of the page

    Information leaflet - Delivering a Micro-teach Session (£1.50)
    (Ref M9004A)
    8 pages covering â€¢ What is a micro-teach session? • Questions to ask in advance • Planning • Preparing • Delivering (the beginning, middle and ending sections) • What makes a good session? • Evaluating • Reading list • Website list 


    Handout - Micro-teach Ideas and Questions (£1.00)
    (Ref M9054B)
    1 page listing approximately 36 ideas for a micro-teach session, along with approximately 20 questions to ask beforehand to be fully organised 

    Handout - Micro-teach Tips (£1.50)
    (Ref M9054A)
    3 pages of information detailing over 40 micro-teaching tips for a successful micro-teach session i.e. what to do before, during and afterwards

    Templates and completed examples  

    Template - Rationale for a Micro-teach Session (in Word) (£1.00)
    (Ref AT011)
    3 page template with approximately 18 questions to help write a rationale for the micro-teach session. See below for a completed example: Ref M9056

    Completed Example of a Rationale for a Micro-teach Session (£2.00)
    6 page rationale consisting of completed questions from the above template (Ref AT011) along with a 750 word written rationale. This is linked to the completed example of a micro-teach session plan (Ref M9055) which is available to purchase separately in this section below.

    Template - Session Plan (in Word) (50p)
    (Ref AT007)
    1 page pro-forma with relevant headings and boxes to help structure the content of a session plan. Ideal for any type of session i.e. a micro-teach session to peers or a teaching session to learners. Can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements. See below for a completed example: Ref M9055

    Completed Example of a Session Plan (£1.50)
    (Ref M9055)
    2 page example of a completed micro-teach session plan. The example is for a 30 minute delivery based on ‘non-verbal communication skills’, but will help anyone with their planning and completion of their session plan. Includes the use of SMART objectives, appropriate timings, resources, teaching, learning and assessment activities. A blank version in Word is available above: Ref AT007

    Template - Micro-teach Self Evaluation Form (in Word) (£1.00)
    (Ref AT009)
    1 page template in Word with approximately 15 questions to aid the self evaluation process after delivering a micro-teach session. Can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements. See below for a completed example: Ref M9057

    Completed Example of a Micro-teach Self Evaluation Form (£2.00)
    (Ref M9057)
    3 page completed example of a self evaluation form for the micro-teach session. It's based on the rationale (Ref M9056) and session plan (Ref M9055) for a 30 minute delivery on ‘non-verbal communication skills’. A blank version in Word is available above: Ref AT009

    Template - Micro-teach Peer Feedback Form (in Word) (£1.00)
    (Ref AT010)
    1 page template in Word with approximately 15 questions to aid the peer feedback process. Can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements. See below for a completed example: Ref M9059

    Completed Example of a Micro-teach Peer Feedback Form (£2.00)
    (Ref M9059)
    3 page completed example of a peer feedback for an observed micro-teach session. A blank version in Word is available above: Ref AT010

    Checklists - for teachers and assessors of the micro-teach session

    Checklist for teachers/assessors who facilitate the micro-teach sessions (in Word) (£2.50)
    (Ref TC001)
    5 page checklist for teachers and assessors who facilitate the micro-teach sessions. Includes approximately 30 points: in advance of the session, on the day, afterwards, and providing feedback. A template is also included to help plan the order and times of each delivery. The checklist is in Word to enable you to amend it to suit your own requirements. It is designed for face-to-face deliveries, but you can easily adapt it for remote deliveries. 

    Micro-teach Observation Checklist for teachers/assessors (in Word) (£2.50)
    (Ref AT008A)
    3 page template in Word incorporating a checklist for the teacher/assessor to complete. It can easily be adapted to suit your own requirements and includes the relevant assessment criteria. This form could also be used if the observation takes place in the learner’s workplace rather than as a micro-teach session to their peers. See below for a completed example: Ref U9052A.

    Completed Example of a Micro-teach Observation Checklist for teachers/assessors (£3.50)
    (Ref U9052A)
    A completed example of an observation checklist for a micro-teach session (completed by a tutor/assessor) backed up with completed assessment criteria and comments in support of the session observed. A blank template is available above: Ref AT008A.


    The PowerPoint covers all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the micro-teach session. It includes detailed presenter notes and ideas for activities for learners to carry out. An information leaflet is available for learners which contains most of the information from the PowerPoint, this can be used as a handout to support the presentation. Please scroll to the top of the page to access it.

    The content of the PowerPoint, along with the presenter notes, could easily be adapted to become online learning materials.

    PowerPoint - Delivering a Micro-teach Session (£10.00)
    (Ref M0004A)
    26 slides with presenter notes covering:
    • What is a micro-teach session? • Questions to ask in advance • Planning • Preparing • Delivering (the beginning, middle and ending) • What makes a good session? • Evaluating • Summary quiz • Reading list • Website list

    Please click on these links for resources for: Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3

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